What we Teach
High school
Entering high school marks the final stretch of a student’s school life. At Colégio Maxi, we know that preparing for university is more than just the content covered in class.
In addition to the regular curriculum, which complies with the Brazilian National Curriculum [Base Nacional Comum Curricular – BNCC], our students in the 1st and 2nd grades of high school can now count on learning pathways, a flexible part of the curriculum organized by areas of knowledge, so that the student can expand their learning in one or more areas.
The learning pathways use active methodologies, such as scientific research, creative processes, mediation and socio-cultural intervention, and entrepreneurship. The content of each itinerary is versatile and organized into elective units.
Each student can choose 2 pathways, taking into account their interests, aptitudes, and goals.

Languages and their technologies
Nature sciences and their technologies
Mathematics and its technologies
Applied humanities and social sciences
Monday through Friday, from 7.15 am to 12.15 pm
In addition to regular classes in the morning, there are training pathways classes and other projects from 1.45 pm to 5.45 pm
6 classes/day
from 8.45 am to 9 am and from 10.30 am to 10.45 am
Student attendance in math, chemistry, physics, and writing correction:
Fridays, from 2 pm to 4 pm
Organizing study methods and arranging a schedule to improve student achievement:
Wednesdays, from 2 pm to 4 pm, by appointment

Mock exams to prepare and assess the student’s performance for vestibular entrance exams and the ENEM.

Maxi Moment: get your bearings!

Project in special labs: art, innovation lab, biotechnology, basic and applied mathematics.

Participation in Olympics

Themed events

Bilingual education
We offer an additional high school* program, which covers seven Cambridge IGCSE subjects, administered by Cambridge Assessment International Education, a department of the University of Cambridge.
Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international diploma program for 14-16-year-olds, with over 800,000 applications from 150 countries every year.
A wide range of subjects are offered in the following areas: languages, humanities
and social sciences, sciences, mathematics, creativity, and vocational.
Development goals
The Cambridge International IGCSE curriculum develops students’ knowledge, understanding, and competence in:

Subject content

Application of knowledge and understanding to new and unfamiliar situations

Intellectual inquiry

Flexibility and responsiveness to change

Working and communicating in English

Cultural awareness
Cambridge qualifications are accepted and valued by renowned universities in Brazil and across the globe. They are recognized tools for preparing and equipping students with the skills they will need to succeed at university and in life.
*under additional cost / minimum number of students required

Learn about our extracurricular activities
Whether through sports, culture, or group fun, each one plays a fundamental role in the construction of the individual, and it is our mission to give our students access to a variety of activities.

Get to know our facilities
Colégio Maxi is considered the most complete educational building in the city of Londrina.

Learn about our schedules and services
Here are the services that make the day-to-day life of students and families easier.