Colégio Maxi
Here are the services that make the day-to-day life of students and families easier:
Our canteen menu is prepared by a team of nutritionists, with fresh food and balanced meals.
For Kindergarten and 1st-grade students, we offer a healthy snack, without industrialized products, served according to the menu and the nutritionists’ guidance.
Our restaurant offers a buffet lunch, served by weight, with a varied menu. In addition to students and employees, families can also have meals with their children.
Canteen: Monday through Friday, from 7 am to 6 pm, Saturdays from 7 am to 11 am
Restaurant: Monday through Friday, from 11.30 am to 1.30 pm
The use of uniforms is mandatory for all students from kindergarten to middle school.
For high school students, uniforms are only mandatory for physical education classes.
Students are not permitted to modify their uniforms.
The use of closed-toe shoes is mandatory for kindergarten and elementary school students. Other types of footwear such as flip-flops and sandals are not allowed due to the risk of falls and injuries.
Av. Duque de Caxias, 1200 – sala 29
Tel: (43) 3037-5232
Av. Madre Leône Milito, 1175, sala 02 – subsolo
Tel: (43) 3324-2930
Av. Jorge Casoni, 2390
Tel: (43) 3321-4130
Rua Brasil, 1838
Tel: (43) 3321-3980
Rua General Horta Barbosa, 374
Tel: (43) 3025-7752
Rua Luís Dias, 348
Tel: (43) 3342-1932
(43) 3376 1700
Avenida Maringá, 1700
Jardim Presidente
CEP 86060-000
Londrina – PR